Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Movement on Rock Hill Presbyterian?

Supporters of saving the Rock Hill Presbyterian Church received a boost this week when the Rock Hill city council endorsed their plan to move the church. They didn't give them any money to do it, but it's an important first step.


  1. Please see my posts on

  2. Friend and Foe here.

    I'm suggesting that people who do care about what's happening to the Rock Hill Church show their disapproval this way: Do a drive by. Stop and buy gas at one of the two other gas stations in Rock Hill and let the people there know why you are there. These are local businesses. Let's hope they survive the arrival of the behemoth down the street. But let's be practical.

    Pass the word if you agree.


A Blog detailing the beauty of St. Louis architecture and the buildup of residue-or character-that accumulates over the course of time.