Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Meramec Highlands Quarry

I set out to find the quarry that provided some of the stone for Union Station, as well as many of the stone for houses--perhaps the Lemp Mansion, Cragwold--in the Meramec Highlands resort area of southwest St. Louis County.I found the edge of the quarry, but my traveling companions wanted to get going, so I will have to return in the future to find the quarry itself.See an aerial view of the quarry here; it is located southeast of I-270 at Big Bend.

1 comment:

  1. Keep going down that hill, you'll find it. My wife and I went there last year in the latter part of winter. Very overgrown with trees, etc. I would suggest waiting until fall when all of the leaves are gone, and the biting stinging critters are sleeping. There is a handicapped parking lot at the end of the road, with an observation deck off of the parking lot, and some informational boards with text and pictures of the old quarry and its history. Enjoy.


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