Thursday, September 2, 2010

Manchester Avenue Lane Reductions

Yesterday, on an on-line chat at the Post-Dispatch, Todd Waeltermann confirmed that Manchester Avenue between Kingshighway and Vandeventer is being reduced from four lanes to two. Due to the increased pedestrian activity, this is a great step towards making the Grove a more desirable place to live. Frankly, the old four lanes were way too narrow, making the outside lanes undriveable most of the time anyway. The new curbs will codify what was really reality, and hopefully make traffic on that stretch of Manchester less aggressive.


  1. what will be done with the extra space? Extended curbs? Bike lanes?

  2. I saw more recently on Urban STL:


A Blog detailing the beauty of St. Louis architecture and the buildup of residue-or character-that accumulates over the course of time.